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Employers Are Dictators! Why You Should Make It Your Mission To Build Additional Income Streams.

This is because they essentially are just that! Mini-Dictators.

Have you never wondered how it is that we all live in a so-called democracy and yet we can't vote as to who the CEO or other corporate management staff will be?

Don't you find it frustrating and wrong that employers behave in a "Do as I say, not as I do" business structure?

And don't get me started on the sorry-ass Human Resources departments in every place of employment. A profession that was poorly executed because they serve the corporate goons at the top rather than the humans who keep the company going and remain profitable.

It seems counterintuitive that the humans who bust their asses and who are essentially the customer-facing ambassadors of a company are the ones making starvation wages while they risk their health, sanity, and at times life to make the dick heads at the very top wealthy.

Employers love the feeling of knowing that by keeping their employee wages artificially low and treating these desperate human beings as expendable assets that they can basically do with them whatever they please.

And if the employee doesn't like it then they can fuck off because that person can easily be replaced by someone just as, if not more desperate, and who can be paid even less with no pain to the dick heads at the top.

But what if the roles were reversed?

What if legislation were passed where employees could vote to keep or get rid of members of upper management and also decide whether they should receive a raise or not?

Employers need to learn a much-needed hard lesson. That reckoning is coming and will soon be delivered by Millennials (Gen Y), Gen Z and in the coming decades the Alphas.

That reckoning is coming in the form of ghosting, the influencer economy, the creator economy, and the fuck you I'm out economy.

The single income source is an outdated relic of the baby boomer past. 🤮

No one wants any part of that antiquated legacy. The economy of the present is one where there are multiple avenues in which we can earn a respectable income.

There are many ways to make money, below are just a few examples:

1) Blogging

2) Affiliate Marketing

3) YouTube

4) Social Media

5) E-Books

6) Freelance Work

7) Build or create something

8) Voice Over Acting

And so on.

The point is, we live in an age where your mom and dad's old ways of making a living relying on one source of income are just fucking stupid, reckless, irresponsible, and extremely dangerous!

The whole point of each new generation is to do better than the one which came before it and to do so more efficiently and intelligently.

So get out there and grab the world by the nuts and throw a fat ass middle finger 🖕🏽 to those who stand in your way with the old ways of thinking.💪🏽

Here's a picture of my cat, Bebe, sticking her tongue out for your viewing pleasure 🙂

Also if you click on her image you'll be redirected to Amazon for the water fountain she uses.

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