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How To Build A Custom Gaming PC: Technologies & Trends To Consider | Part 1

Disclaimer: Affiliate links ahead.

Before we get started on our custom Gaming PC build we need to consider a few things we will require from our new machine. After all, we need to ensure we future-proof our machine with room for expansion and upgrades as technology advances in the coming years that this machine will be operating.

With that said let's go over some trends and technologies which have emerged over the past few years that have revolutionized and in many instances, revitalized this once small niche dominated by enthusiasts such as myself.

For context, I have been building custom computers for well over 20 years and have worked in many aspects of the PC Repair and Information Technology industry as well as ATM and Banking Systems.

As always I will do my best to keep this post short and sweet. So let's begin.

RGB Lighting Is Everywhere!

Back in 2013, RGB lighting was barely a thing in the PC world. I mean sure there were computer cases with some lighting here and there but nothing too crazy like what exists today.

Even the abbreviation, or term, RGB wasn't really a saying back then. Yet here we are.

RGB lighting galore!

Live Streaming

Another new trend that wasn't even a thing just under a decade ago is the capability of Live Streaming.

Technically, this technology was already a thing for many of the apps that exist today like Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook but it's only been gaining traction in the PC gaming industry over the past few years thanks to services like Twitch.

It's a safe bet that Live Streaming is here to stay.

Video Editing Software

Okay, so technically this was also a thing in years prior but the software has become so much more user-friendly that anyone can learn how to use the myriad of editing software both free and subscription-based like Adobe Premiere Pro in just a few hours.

Graphics Cards (GPUs)

A custom PC without a graphics card is just that, a custom PC.

It doesn't become a true gaming PC until you install a dedicated Graphical Processing Unit (Graphics Card) in it.

The purpose of this piece of delicious hardware is to focus solely on processing the graphical information thus removing the extra workload off of your processor.

There are so many different types of graphics cards on the market from many different manufacturers. My personal favorite GPU manufacturer is Asus.

By the way, only noobs and people who know nothing about computers will call GPUs video cards. Are the terms interchangeable?


But just know that us hardcore enthusiasts will be correcting you on terminology because we're nerds and geeks🤓

Capture Cards

I'm sure capture cards have been around forever but it's only in the past few years that the true value and potential for this piece of hardware has proved its usefulness inside a custom gaming rig.

Essentially what a capture card does is capture video feeds that you can record or stream through your PC.

In my case, I'm a YouTube Streamer so I use an Elgato capture card to connect my Canon M100 mirrorless camera to live stream my gameplays to my audience.

Also, having a capture card allows you to connect a second PC which can be used as a dedicated streaming PC rig, thus removing the extra workload of streaming and gaming off of your custom gaming PC.

More on this setup in future posts.

TPM Chips

As time goes on and technology improves more and more so too does the importance of having strong data security and encryption to protect yourself and your investment from cyber threats.

Enter TPM chips.

These chips provide a dedicated and super low-profile hardware component that stores your encryption keys separate from your CPU and Operating System making it just a little bit harder for the bad guys to steal your information and do harm.

Trust me, don't skip this one!


Lastly, no gaming rig is fully complete without a display that can show you just how beautiful the fruits of your labor truly are.

A monitor is your second biggest investment if not the greatest investment on your Custom Gaming PC because this component will typically outlive your custom gaming PC well into your next computer build years down the road.

Choose wisely and get the best bang for your buck but keep this very important piece of advice in mind: Refresh Rates of 60hz and above & Resolutions of 1080p and above should be your goal!

Other things such as NVIDIA G-Sync or AMD Freesync technologies are fantastic if you can burn the cash for it but are not necessary, tho they are a luxury to have.

IPS (what I currently use) and OLED (good luck with this one, this is a unicorn 🦄 and the stuff of fairy tales and fantasies) are what you should consider as well. The former is pretty much the industry standard these days whilst the latter is a pipe dream.

Thus concludes Part 1 of this 6 part series.

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