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What Affiliate Marketing Is

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Affiliate Marketing is basically a fancy term for gossip marketing. What is gossip marketing?

Here's an example:

Warrirorene: Yo, have you used this video editing software called Adobe Premiere Pro? Bro, it's straight fire! I highly recommend it!

Warriorena: Whaaaaat! Do you mean to tell me I can edit my videos with that? I'm in!

Do you see what I did there? I provided you with a typical scenario that we all do without realizing when were talking with one another. We recommend products to people. Think about all of the times you've recommended a product to someone while casually having a conversation with them?

Do you see? It's a natural evolutionary trait we all have had since the dawn of humans. You naturally want to share with those in your circle or community the things you try, use, consume, or experience.

Now consider the fact that those with whom you have told about your positive experience with the product or service take you up on your word and they themselves try it and let you know how much they enjoy it. I'm sure you would be very happy knowing you let them know about it and that they took the time to take you on your recommendation and tried it too.

Now imagine that same scenario but you get a small commission on that purchase just because you recommended it to them.

That Is Affiliate Marketing!

If you noticed from the example I typed above there is a hyperlink which if you click on it, will open a new tab in your browser and redirect you to the product web page where you can purchase that product.

The site that you opened from my affiliate link is tied directly to me and me alone. Each link has a unique identifier attached to the affiliate account user.

And there you have it. Affiliate Marketing short and to the point! Not a bad read right?

Gratitude for reading Warriorenas and Warriorenes!

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Melissa Gomez
Melissa Gomez
Aug 14, 2021


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